The rules of the award are:
Thank the person who gave the award to you.
I received this award from the fabulous Conscientious Reader! Thank you Stephanie for getting me into blogging and finding another way for me to outlet all my nerdiness. I also love having another common interest to share! :)
Post 7 random things about you.
- I could eat a cheeseburger a day for the rest of my life and be completely happy.
- I will never ever ever like Rhianna.
- I love tv shows on dvd. Lots.
- I learned how to use a VCR when I was a little girl by watching The Wizard of Oz over and over and over again.
- I'm actually a Louisiana born Southern girl, and oh, how I miss my accent!
- I used to "read" books to myself before I could actually read. I had my mom read them so many times that I knew all the words and when to turn the pages.
- I used to be really skeptical of eReaders and eBooks, but now I HEART MY KINDLE!
Sorry, but I don't really know that many yet! Congratulations to...:
Historical TapestryHyperbole and a Half
Polishing Mud Balls
Carly Robinson Crafts
Book Hounds
Smile and Wave
Notes from the North
The Black Sheep Dances
The Bookette
Contact the blogger and let them know they have won.
thanks Michelle! I appreciate your notice!
Thanks Michelle for passing on the award to me. I will give this one some thought before posting about it. :)